
Template documents are defined with <h1> and code blocks. <h1> is interpreted as the file name and code blocks as the template body. Meta information is defined using Front Matter.


scaffdog allows templates to be written in Markdown for superior integration with editors and reduced review load.

The simplest structure is shown below.

name: 'template'
root: '.'
output: '**/*'
# `filename.txt`
template body

A single markdown file consists of three blocks.

  • Attributes: Meta information about the template document described in Front Matter.
  • Template title: File name to be described by <h1>.
  • Template body: File content to be described in code blocks.

Read our docs for Attributes and Template Engine to learn more.

File-scope Variables#

The Variables section is special and is not output to a file. The key-value (key: value) list allows you to declare variables that can be used in common templates.

This is useful for processing input values that are commonly used in templates.

# Variables
- constant_key: scaffdog
- computed_key: `{{ inputs.name | upper }}`
# `filename.txt`
{{ constant_key }}
{{ computed_key }}

If scaffdog is entered in inputs.name, the output is as follows:


Conditional Generates#

Template title prefixed with ! token to skip file generation.

A common use case is to branch according to the content of the accepted input.

name: 'component'
root: '.'
output: '.'
confirm: 'Do you need a test?'
initial: true
# `{{ inputs.test || "!" }}index.test.ts`
// ...
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